Emergencies happen, often without notice. While there is no way to be completely prepared for an unexpected disaster, you can take preventative measures to make sure your family knows what to do.
Create an Action Plan
The first thing you should do is create an emergency plan with your family. Make sure you include the necessities: meeting places, designated responsibilities. In the case of an immediate emergency, make sure your family knows where the meeting place is outside, but near your home. This is the meeting place you will be able to use if there is a fire or an emergency where you will want to be near the home. If something happens where your home, street, or neighborhood may be blocked off, have an alternate destination nearby.
In an emergency, there will be tasks that need to be completed quickly. While making your emergency plan, assign each member of your family something to oversee, whether it is younger family members, a pet or calling insurance companies and other family members. While under duress, your family will need to work together to get through the emergency. Make sure each family member has a contact card featuring information for each relative.
Pack a Go Bag
Each family member should have an easily accessible, transportable bag, packed and ready to go in case of an emergency. Each bag should be labeled with your name and address, and be packed as lightly as possible. Pack enough clothes and toiletries for a few days in case you cannot access your home immediately, as well as a flashlight, battery-operated radio, extra batteries and two bottles of water per person. Your go bag should also have copies of your medical records, drug and food allergies and current medications. If you have pets, pack enough food to last one week, vaccination history and leaches. Make sure you have recent photos of each family member and pet.
If you are faced with an emergency in your home or business, contact Boston Board Up Services immediately after contacting the fire/police departments Whether a vehicle or tree has collided with your home, or a fire has begun, we will secure your structure and board up damaged windows and doors as soon as our representatives gain access to your building. After we have stabilized your home, we will be able to provide you with a quote for debris removal and eventual reconstruction. We can be reached 24 hours a day at 800-949-9113 or by filling out our online contact form.