hurricane damage

The Ways To Prepare For A Hurricane In The Northeast

It is never too early to start preparing for hurricane season. Hurricanes affect us, too, living in the Northeast. Whether you’re a newcomer or a lifelong resident, ensuring the safety of your home and family during a hurricane is important. Even if the storm is downgraded to a tropical one upon heading north, adhering to best practices to minimize damage and ensure everyone’s well-being is crucial. Take proactive steps to safeguard your loved ones and property during such adverse weather conditions. In this blog, we will explore the three key steps you and your family should take before a hurricane hits. 

Have An Emergency Plan

You want to have the most important questions answered before hurricane season hits. The more items you and your family talk about, the fewer decisions will have to be made under pressure. Some important questions to ask are:

  • What is the current forecast and track of the hurricane?
  • Are there any evacuation orders or shelters in place for our area?
  • Do we have a family emergency plan in case we need to evacuate?
  • Have we stocked up on essential supplies such as food, water, medications, and batteries?
  • Is our home adequately fortified against potential damage, such as securing windows and doors, trimming trees, and securing outdoor furniture?

These questions are the most important things to get in order before a natural disaster strikes. You need to account for whether you are caring for children, pets, or the elderly, as that may affect your evacuation plan. 

Keep Perishables In Your Home

Before a hurricane hits, it’s essential to prepare by stocking up on non-perishable items that can sustain your family during power outages or limited access to stores. Along with canned goods, dry goods, and snacks, consider shelf-stable dairy alternatives such as powdered milk or shelf-stable milk boxes. Ensure an ample supply of bottled water for hydration. Additionally, don’t forget to have enough baby formula or special dietary supplements for family members with specific needs. These preparations will help keep your family nourished and comfortable throughout the duration of the storm.

Protect Your Home

Protecting your home is one of the most important items to check off on your list. Before a hurricane strikes, you want to secure your windows and doors. Board up windows with plywood to protect against flying debris. Ensure that all doors have sturdy locks and hinges. Call a professional board-up company to make sure your family is protected. You also want to trim back branches and remove any dead or weak trees to prevent them from falling on your home during high winds.

Call Boston Board Up For Any Natural Disaster Emergency In New England

In order to fully protect yourself and your family in case of a hurricane hitting, call the experts at Boston Board Up. We serve all of New England with our emergency board-up, fencing, and building stabilization services. We will professionally board up all your windows and doors to protect your building and your loved ones. With over 20 years in the business and a 5-star rating on Google, Lou and his Boston Board Up team are the only people to call when a hurricane hits New England. Call us at (800) 949-9113 or fill out our contact form to get in touch with our board-up professionals.