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The NEMLEC STARS Team has provided the downloadable SEOP template as a way for districts to review and revise current plans, or completely build their local emergency operations plans and related policies and procedures from the ground up. By now having access to a fully customizable and editable template, local school districts now have a strong footing to begin the essential school safety planning needed and required by all schools.
The purpose of the School Emergency Operations Plan (SEOP) is to provide information on how to respond to emergency incidents by outlining the responsibilities and duties of the district, the school, its employees, parents/guardians and students. This plan has been customized to meet the specific and unique needs, capabilities, and circumstances found at any of our schools.
Each year, the School Administration shall review and certify that the plan is current and accurate. This must be done with the School Level Crisis Response Team at the beginning of each school year.
The school superintendent must meet with the police and fire chief to formulate or review a school-specific Emergency Operations Plan at the beginning of each school year as required by Section 363 of Chapter 159 of the Acts of 2000 in Massachusetts General Laws.
This plan provides teachers, staff, students, parents, and other members of the community with assurances that the district and school has established guidelines and procedures to respond to incidents/hazards in an effective way.
The School Emergency Operations Plan is one component of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. The additional components to the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan are:
- Floor Plan(s) that are unique to each floor of the building
- Site Plan that includes all building property and surrounding property
- Emergency Contact Information Sheet specific to the school
- Emergency Medical Plan
- Bullying Plan
In order to execute this plan effectively and mobilize available resources, all school personnel must have knowledge of the procedures set forth in this plan and be trained in its use. Personnel having roles and responsibilities established by this plan are expected to be familiar with their roles based on the provisions of this plan.
School districts should resist the temptation to utilize this plan at “face value” by conducting the so called “find and replace” methodology of adopting the plan. Instead, a local committee of professionals; District Level Emergency Management Team, should be tasked with reviewing this SEOP template and customizing it to fit the needs of the district and each of its schools.
Original article here